Technical audit of portal based on Bitrix24
We help finding and fixing errors resulting in problematic work of intranet portals, CRM systems, and personal accounts on Bitrix24.
When is a technical audit required?
System accessibility is problematic within the company and fore external users – partners and clients using personal and B2B accounts
The procedures for creating leads, deals, tasks are slow or with errors
Marketing tools (newsletters, chat bots, robots) do not work properly
Data uploaded to the site from ERP and other external systems are displayed with errors or not displayed at all
You have doubts about the site’s protection against DDOS attacks and about the reliability of storage of data on users, financial transactions, and confidential corporate information
Bitrix certified developers, architects and engineers will check:
Settings for web server, database, mail service, and other server software
The quality of program code and general logic of portal software architecture
Source code of third-party modules, applications, and individual modifications
Quality of integration of Bitrix24 with external IT systems
Compliance with 1С-Bitrix standards: performance monitor, quality monitor, and security scanner.
As a result, you will receive a detailed report with not only a description of errors and flaws, but also recommendations on how to eliminate the identified deficiencies.
How much does a portal audit cost?
– From 30,000 rubles depending on the complexity of the site (online business card, corporate portal, online store).
How long does an audit take?
– Usually one week.
Can you fix the errors found??
– Yes. If you need this, just order our technical support service.
Why us?
Highly skilled employees
20 years
of successful work
Client site, portal and CRM support
4 countries
Offices in Russia, Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Completed projects
5 out 5
All Bitrix24 competence levels open